Africa Information
Botswana 博茨瓦纳

China and Botswana

In 2013, the friendly and cooperative relations between the People'sRepublic of China and the Republic of Botswana continued to growsteadily.

The two countries continued their exchanges at all levels and further deepened the friendly relationship. In April, Botswana's President Ian Khama sent a congratulatory letter to Xi Jinping on his election as the President of China. Within the year, President Khama also sent messages of condolences to President Xi on Lushan earthquake in Sichuan Province, the coal mine accident in Qingxing, Jilin Province and the catastrophic fire in Dehui, Jilin Province. In March, Ma Xiaowei, Vice Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission, visited Botswana and attended the fourth International Roundtable on China-Africa Health Cooperation. In July, President of China Radio International Wang Gengnian visited Botswana. In December, a Chinese delegation led by Yin Hong, Deputy Director of the State Forestry Administration, attended the African Elephant Summit co-hosted by the government of Botswana and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and expounded China's efforts and achievements on wildlife conservation. During the year, Botswana's Health Minister John Seakgosing visited China for the Ministerial Forum of China-Africa Health Development; Chairman of House of Chiefs Puso Gaborone visited China as a member of the African Traditional Leaders delegation on a study tour; Director of Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crimes Rose Seretse visited China.

Business cooperation grew steadily. The phase two project of Chinaassisted Gaborone Multi-functional Adolescent Center was officially launched. Implementation of the projects of a rural primary school and solar mobile equipment was well under discussion. Botswana Bureau of Standards recognized the commercial inspection certificate issued by China Certification and Inspection Group to facilitate bilateral trade.

Smooth progress was made in people-to-people and military-to-military exchanges and cooperation. A Chinese cuisine delegation organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council visited Botswana and hosted the "Chinese Cuisine Evening" to showcase China's cuisine culture, which was well received by local people. China Radio International and Botswana's Duma FM set up a joint studio with a view to deepening bilateral media cooperation. At Botswana's invitation, a delegation from the honor guard of the PLA visited Botswana to help train the honor guard of Botswana's national defense force, which was applauded by the Botswanan side.

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