To Whom It May Concern,
In order to further promote exchange and cooperation between Chinese and African local governments, higher education institutions and enterprises, establish a platform for China-Africa technology transfer, and facilitate the expansion of markets for both Chinese and African enterprises, Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hubei Provincial Department of Education, and Hubei University of Technology have decided to hold the 2022 China-Africa Technology Innovation & Transfer Cooperation Forum & Wuhan Forum of World Renowned Scientists Lecturing in Hubei.
September 15 & 16, 2022
Online and Offline, Simultaneously
For the Online Portal: Zoom (Code to be released)
For the Offline Venue: to be released by further notice
Sponsors and Co-sponsors
Sponsors: Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology
Hubei Provincial Department of Education
Hubei University of Technology
Co-sponsors: China-Africa Innovation Cooperation Center
Hubei University of Technology China-Africa Technology
Innovation Cooperation Center
Representatives from Chinese and African higher education institutions and research institutes;
Representatives from Chinese enterprises in Africa, and from Chinese domestic enterprises that intend to expand market in Africa;
Representatives from African enterprises in China, and from African domestic enterprises that intend to expand market in China.
Special Guests
Officials from the embassies and consulates of African countries in China;
Officials from the embassies and consulates of China in Africa;
Officials of the science and technology and education departments of Chinese and African governments;
Experts specializing in China-Africa cooperation, and entrepreneurs in China-Africa cooperation industries;
Chairs of chambers of commerce and related associations in Africa;
Representatives of Centers of African Studies in China.
Agenda of the Forum
Sign-up for the Forum
For all prospective attendees, please submit your registration form, a video clip and a poster of the presentation of your scientific and/or technological project intended for transfer, and a poster of your enterprise, to the Organizing Committee of the Forum by July 20, 2022.
Format: ① video: length of 5-6 minutes, with commentary in either Chinese or English, and with English subtitles; it can be an automatically generated video from a PPT presentation (auto-play with audio commentary and English subtitles) ②poster: size in A0; portrait; PDF version; font of Arial.
Content: a brief introduction to the scientific and/or technological finding intended for transfer(characteristics, specifications, merits, etc.); its application and transfer (previous cooperation and application, the expected outcome of its transfer, and the expected economic and social impact on the targeted environment after its transfer)
Format: size in A0; portrait, PDF version; font of Arial
Content: general information about your enterprise, openings of posts(if any)
Department of International Relations, Hubei University of Technology
Telephone number: +86-27-59750226
Contact persons: Dustin Chen +86-18986158627
Cynthia Lei +86-15072309581
Email Address of the Organizing Committee of the Forum (for the submission of registration form and the video clips and posters):
We sincerely invite you to sign up, and look forward to meeting you at the Forum. Please register by July 20, 2022.
For online registration:
You can also scan Wechat QR Code for online registration:
May 12, 2022
Hubei University of Technology